I had a sudden whim to do something with the ripe strawberries we bought the other day. I was really running out of time and thought I would make custard and use the fruits as garnish. Mind you, this recipe is easy since I used custard powder and didn’t make custard from scratch. You will…
Winter Wonderland Vignette
I am obsessed about snow and winter. Maybe because we don’t see snow in San Antonio. That didn’t stop me from creating a small white Christmas village for Boy. He loved it and contributed his own toy people and trucks to the project. After Christmas, I still wanted a little vignette for the table. And…
What I Am Reading Now – #1
Reading is a favorite pastime of mine. I love reading books, as much as I love reading blogs. Right now, these are the books by my bedside. 1. A Painted House by John Grisham I love Grisham books. This book was unlike his other books, which are mainly legal thrillers. It is about a poor…
Fun Facts About Boy – #1
So, in my last post, I showed you a body shot of Boy, my 3 year old. If you missed it, it is the last photo in this post. Here are some fun facts about little boys. Mine, anyway… 1. Boy loves loves loves cars. 2. He learnt the names of colors by watching cars…
Day Trip to Lost Maples State Natural Area
Fall is such a beautiful time. Not so hot and not cold yet. And if you happen to live in a place where the trees burst with fall colors, its like living inside a painting. Not so much in Texas! So, one fine morning last November, we went in search of some fall color. The…
DIY Colored Bottles
Colored bottles and jars are nothing new. Remember the amber medicine bottles, dark green soda bottles and blue mason jars? Guess what? Some geniuses in blogosphere have found numerous ways to duplicate these looks. The ingredients can be found in every home – food coloring and simple white glue. There are a couple of methods to achieve…
The Very First Post
Very inspiring title, right? Well, no other name seemed appropriate enough for such a momentous event! So, let’s get started, shall we? I am Anjana, a wife, mother, engineer by profession, home-maker for now, aspiring DIY crafter, chef and baker. I am from South India, currently living in cowboy land Texas (San Antonio, to be…