Like I said earlier, winter is kind of mild down here in Texas. Still, the trees shed their leaves and remain barren from November till…now! Look what I found just outside our home today! Baby leaves!! And some snippets from our small patio garden. Sweet potato plant in the evening sunlight. Pretty orange blooms. More…
A Midnight Post
My body clock has been thrown off balance. Ever since ‘daylight saving’ started and an hour magically disappeared on Sunday night. I had to wake up early for church on Sunday morning. This made me sleepy by noon, so I took a nap. Now, it is past midnight and I am wide awake. (The cup…
Easy Homemade White Bread
There is something about freshly baked bread. A certain kind of comfort and contentment. Bread making, for me, is right up there with meringues, fondant and frosting. Love them all, but they intimidate me. Till I realized there was not much to it. Here is a recipe for a simple white bread. Nothing fancy. I followed this…
The Liebster Award
I got the best surprise this morning. Summer from Mallow & Co nominated me for the Liebster Award this week! The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. What is a Liebster? Liebster is a German word and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued,…
Chocolate Beetroot Cupcakes
Who doesn’t love chocolate cake? When making cakes, and chocolate cakes in particular, the aim is always to keep it moist and decadent. There are umpteen ways to achieve this – sour cream, buttermilk, egg white meringues and what not. What about beetroot? The following recipe was a happy accident of sorts. I didn’t set…
Vanilla Meringue Cookies
Meringues – the very name sounds romantic, exotic, and intimidating, to novice cooks like me. I love the light, airy crispness of meringue cookies. I never imagined they are so simple to make. Well, at least in theory. It has only a couple of ingredients. But the technique… that is where I went wrong! For my…
Easy Dessert – Strawberry Yogurt Jelly Bites
I love sweets and desserts that are a snap to make. I found this particular recipe on the Kraft Jell-O recipe page. Here is the original recipe and below is my adapted version. It literally takes 5 minutes to make. You will need: (*- Refer notes) Strawberry flavored yogurt cups* – 3, 4-oz each Plain…
Little Touches of Spring
Have you gone shopping lately? There is an avalanche of spring decor on sale everywhere. And eggs…in all imaginable colors and designs. They are Boy’s favorite this time of year. And of course, he wanted them this year too. I found these pretty eggs at the dollar store, of all places! I just can’t seem…
Spring Wardrobe Pieces
I found this cute pink shirt. Just right for spring and summer! Here is how I’ll be wearing it. Pair with my beige corduroy trousers from Target or basic blue jeans. And finish off with this turquoise pendant necklace. Or my globe pendant necklace. Or a light scarf for cooler days. And I am really drooling…
Home Cleaning And Organizing Tips #3
It’s high time I updated you on my spring cleaning progress. Though I’ve strayed from the list a lot, I did get a lot of stuff done since my last update. I finally managed to sort Boy’s toys. A couple of pointers here. Periodically rotate the kids’ toys. This way, old ones get played with…
Home Tip – How to Clean Dirty Frying Pans
I fried fish the other day. It was yummy, but I dreaded the dish washing session. This is what my frying pan looked like. Indian fried fish with lots of spices means not-so-good-looking pan. Moreover the dish sponge would get really dirty trying to scrub this pan. But I had a plan. I sprinkled some baking…
Orange Sponge Cake with Orange Glaze
This is my husband’s favorite cake. I made it the past weekend for his birthday! It is made with freshly squeezed orange juice and orange zest. The result is a thick and airy batter and a beautifully risen sponge cake. The cake is not cloyingly sweet and the orange glaze adds a nice finishing touch. I…