What do mothers do when left alone with Superheroes? Put them to work, of course!!! In the bathroom, Holding accessories, Holding bedtime books on the chair-turned-nightstand, Now, let me put Iron Man back on the toy shelf, before Boy gets home from school. You won’t tell him, right?!! 😉 I staged these photos just for…
Chinese Rice Noodle Soup
The internet is a wonderful tool, and so is blogging. There is so much inspiration around us. This is especially true in the case of foodie blogs. It is so addictive, dangerous even. You may get fixated on some mouth-watering dish created by someone half a world away, and you just have to try it…
Dry Vase Arrangements And A Blog Milestone
We’ll do that in reverse order. The milestone first. I am happy to announce that last night my blog views crossed the 10K mark! Woo-hoo!! In only my third month of blogging! A big shout-out to all my regular and occasional readers. You guys are the best! Keep visiting! Don’t forget to follow me via email (button…
Succulent Love and Painted Pots
Succulents are a girl’s best friends. They are easy to re-pot, not very demanding and add much-needed greenery indoors. After I undertook my first paint makeover project, I painted some terracotta pots. I painted them in blue, a mint green and a mix of the two (that’s the larger pot in the picture). I knew…
Happy Earth Day
Happy Earth Day, folks! May every day be dedicated to the betterment of our home planet!! Find the tutorial for the brown paper bag tree craft here.
Easy Wineglass Trifle
I decided to construct a simple trifle for dessert today. I don’t have a trifle bowl, but any deep glass bowl would probably work. Then I thought, why not serve up individual portions in a wineglass? So, this is how I constructed my trifle. Yup, I used the word ‘construction’, because a good trifle is…
Vanilla Cupcakes With Buttercream Frosting
Do you have a blog schedule? I am trying to develop one. According to it, I had another post planned for today. But then, life happens. Yesterday happened to be the birthday of a friend’s sweet little baby boy. So I made cupcakes. And I am posting the recipe now. Because it turned out so…
Book Page and Paper Wreaths
I love book page wreaths. They are elegant, romantic and quirky, at the same time! I have seen a lot of variations in blog-land. These are a few I have made. Since they are from my pre-blogging days, there are no step by step how-to pictures. I will try my best to explain them. 1)….
Chicken Korma
Korma is a South Asian curry made with vegetables or meat, simmered in a creamy sauce made of yogurt, cream, cashew nut/almond paste or coconut milk. It is more like a stew than a curry. As any Indian will tell you, there is no set rules to making a particular curry. Each household has their…
Peek-a-Blue! My First Paint Project
If you have been reading my previous posts (hopefully!), two things might be clear to you by now. I am impatient and I love anything that says ‘easy’! Still, I have had this deep urge to undertake a painting project. Like a small chair or stool or at least a flower-pot! Guess what? After weeks…
Vegetable Stew With Coconut Milk
This is a simple and mild vegetable curry prepared in Kerala and parts of Tamil Nadu, where coconuts are found in abundance and form an integral part of everyday diet. In parts of Kerala where I grew up, this is known as “ishtoo” in the local dialect, ishtoo being a play on the English word “stew”. It…
What I Am Reading Now – #2
Time for another update of my reading list. This is what I am reading right now. I’ve selected all light, breezy novels this time! Just right for spring! 1). The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel – The movie tie-in book, originally These Foolish Things by Deborah Moggach. I deplore books and movies by non-Indians that resort to…